Nominations are open for PNCWA Vice President and Treasurer-elect. PNCWA members may nominate qualified WEF members for both positions. Nominees must be WEF members in good standing and must have signified willingness to serve. WEF members may self-nominate.
The PNCWA Constitution & Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures Manual and Strategic Plan can be viewed at Governance and Records.
The Board of Directors is composed of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President, Association Young Professional Representative, two WEF Delegates, and four Regional Directors. The PNCWA Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the positions of Vice President, Treasurer-elect, and PNCWA WEF Director. The Presidential rotation is a four-year commitment beginning with the Vice President, and the Treasurer-elect serves one year in training prior to a three-year term with the possibility of renewing.
Nominate someone to serve as one of PNCWA’s volunteer Board of Directors! Send your nomination letters (2 pages maximum) addressing the nominee’s qualifications, and including their contact information, as an attachment to Adam McClymont, PNCWA Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee by May 14, 2021.