Resilience Planning and Adaptation Workshop for Drinking Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Utilities

On Wednesday, March 22, 2017 in Seattle, Washington, the EPA is hosting a free workshop to assist with adaption and long-term infrastructure planning related to utility resilience planning.

During the one-day, no-cost training, participants will learn how changing environmental conditions and extreme weather events in the Pacific Northwest could impact their utilities. Participants will also explore potential vulnerabilities to water infrastructure and strategies for reducing risk and enhancing utility resilience.

The workshop is designed for participants who make or influence planning and resource allocation decisions within drinking water, wastewater, or stormwater utilities and from governmental agencies who work with water utilities. Participants will learn about tools and resources available through the Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative and CREAT, a risk-assessment application that helps utilities in adapting to extreme weather events through a better understanding of current and future weather conditions. 

The CRWU initiative provides drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities with the practical tools, training, and technical assistance needed to increase resilience to extreme weather events. Through a comprehensive planning process, CRWU assists by promoting a clear understanding of potential long-term adaptation options for decision-making related to water sector utility infrastructure financing.

Participants are strongly encouraged to register for the CREAT tool at prior to the webinar and to watch the Welcome, Scenario, Consequence, and Risk videos under the Help tab of the tool.

The workshop will also provide opportunities for collaboration and the exchange of ideas for the identification and implementation of adaptation strategies that can assist in reducing risks from changing environmental conditions. Register by clicking here today. Continuing education units may be available for participation (application pending).

Got questions or need more info? Email Steve Fries or Michael Cox.

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