Odors and Air Pollutants Topics Covered at WEF 2018 Specialty Conference
In March, water sector professionals can attend the Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Va.) Odors and Air Pollutants 2018 conference.
The event will educate about current regulatory requirements and methods for analyzing problems and finding solutions. The event features a workshop, opening general session, exhibits, and 13 technical sessions. Topics covered in the conference’s technical program include
- odor measurement,
- odor control,
- odor-related research and innovation,
- community interaction,
- case studies,
- system optimization,
- utility management,
- corrosion,
- collection systems, and
emissions and modeling.
Odors and Air Pollutants Conference
- March 25–28,
- Oregon Convention Center, Portland,
- Register by Feb. 23 for the “super saver” rate.