Water Resource Recovery Facility Spotlight – City of Sequim Water Reclamation Facility
The City of Sequim Reclaimed Water Facility is a pioneer in the field of resource recovery with programs for both production of Reclaimed Water and Beneficial use of Biosolids. The plant, which is located on the North Olympic Peninsula, was originally constructed in 1966 as a conventional Secondary wastewater treatment plant with an outfall into the Strait of Juan De Fuca. In 1997, the treatment plant was upgraded to produce 100% of flow to Class “A” Reclaimed Water, and the Outfall was extended 1,900 feet into the Straits of Juan de Fuca. The plant was further expanded in 2010 to have a maximum month design flow of 1.67 MGD. As currently constructed, the plant consists of mechanical fine screening, influent flow measurement, grit removal, equalization basin (for daily and storm flows), aeration basins configured to perform biological nitrogen and biochemical oxygen demand removal, and secondary clarifiers. The secondary treated effluent is then coagulated and filtered either by anthracite coal media filters or a cloth media disk filter prior to UV disinfection.
The first use of the reclaimed water in 1999 was to provide Class “A” Reclaimed Water to a 28-acre Reuse Demonstration Site that is located adjacent to a public park, where it is used for stream flow augmentation, landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, and ornamental ponds. Since then, reclaimed water has also been used at the Garry Oak Restoration Project, the City Shop, construction water, groundwater recharge, and various other places across Sequim.
Upland use of the Class “A” Reclaimed Water has been consistently over 50% produced water. In 2000, approximately 3,000 acres of shellfish beds were opened because the City only produces Class “A” Reclaimed Water.
In 2003, the city also upgraded the solids processing to produce Class “A” EQ Biosolids through aerobic digestion followed by lime addition, heat treatment, and dewatering. The Class “A” EQ Biosolids are used by a local farmer. As a result of the program, the City has saved thousands of dollars in trucking and biosolids disposal fees.