Happy New Year! When the calendar changes from December 31 to January 1, the earth rotates 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds, just like every other day. But, for many of us, the new year is a sign of new beginnings.
The water industry is facing such tremendous challenges. COVID variants, climate change, worker shortages, supply chain issues, silver tsunami of retirees, increasing rural-urban divides, racial injustice, lack of equal access to sanitation and clean water, and the list goes on. Yet, in the midst of these challenges, there is a spark of hope. This spark is each and every one of you who raise your hand, refusing to be simply carried along by the challenges, but who instead plant your feet and take those challenges head on. You all are the spark that spurs on others, creating a chance for change.
As we head into 2022, PNCWA is embracing that chance and pushing for change in the midst of uncertainty. We are aiming to provide top-notch education through webinars, like the Watershed-Based Water Quality workshop on January 25 and 26 held by the Government Affairs Committee and January’s Stormwater Learning Hour. We have already begun planning for our annual conference that speaks directly to the issues our members are facing here in the Pacific Northwest. And through it all, we are embracing the chance to bring about the change we want to see.
If you, too, are interested in embracing this chance and spurring on change, please join us. While there are numerous opportunities to get involved, I would suggest three specific ways as we start off the new year:
- Share your knowledge with our industry by submitting an abstract to the PNCWA conference, due on February 25.
- Join the PNCWA 2022 Conference Committee, helping to shape the next wave of education and information sharing.
- Join a PNCWA committee. Committees are the lifeblood of PNCWA, consolidating our energy, sharing our ideas, and putting on conference workshops, webinars, and networking opportunities. Reach out to a committee chair today.