Government Affairs Webinar - December 12

Perspectives on Integrated Planning Webinar

December 12, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Pacific

The PNCWA Government Affairs Committee is honored to present a webinar on integrated planning from the perspective of the agency, regulator, and consultant. The webinar will provide a brief update on national and local integrated planning efforts, as well as discuss potential hurdles and alternatives to integrated planning. The webinar will end with a panel discussion from our participants representing diverse perspectives of the integrated planning process.

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Speaker Information:

John Phillips

John has been working in the water industry since 1999 and is the Director of Integrated Watershed Management with Parametrix. John has experience in emergency planning, long range planning, climate change science, climate adaptation, wet weather issues, green infrastructure and co-benefit analysis. John has an extensive background in climate adaptation and applying climate science to pro-active actions. John has spent many hours working with the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group scoping specific studies to better understand how science impacts urban planning and utility planning. John’s work has been featured in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report and the 2014 National Climate Assessment. In addition to climate adaptation, John has been a national leader in the use of green infrastructure for addressing combined sewer overflows (CSO) and integrating green infrastructure into long-term CSO control plans.


Marcia Davis

Marcia Davis is the Director of Integrated Capital Management for the City of Spokane, where she is responsible for managing capital plans and programs, funding, and scope development for water, stormwater, sewer, and transportation projects.  Starting as an associate engineer in 2006, she progresses is responsibility along with the new Integrated Capital Management Department.  Marcia was the City’s technical lead for the 2014 Integrated Clean Water Plan and the 2013 CSO Plan Amendment working with a team of City staff and consultants CH2M Hill and AECOM, to determine feasible projects, associated water quality benefits, and life cycle cost. Prior to joining the City, Marcia worked as a design engineer in the private sector gaining experience in the water, sewer, combined sewer, and transportation.  She holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from University of Texas at Arlington and is a registered Civil Engineer. Currently, Marcia is working on the 20-year capital facility functional plans for water, sewer, and stormwater.



David Clark is Senior Vice President and serves as HDR Engineering, Inc.’s Director for Wastewater. He has more than 40 years of consulting experience and currently leads strategic efforts in understanding wastewater regulatory issues as they affect wastewater utilities. 


Amanda McInnis

Amanda McInnis is a senior project manager at Jacobs with more than 25 years of experience.  She has focused recently on regulatory and planning work.  She recently led the nutrient reduction evaluation (facilities planning) work for compliance with the Puget Sound Nutrient General Permit for 29 member utilities for the Association of Washington Cities and also led the City of Billings, Montana Integrated Water Plan for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater.  She holds a BS from the University of Wisconsin and an MS from the University of Washington. 


Robyn DeYoung

Robyn is U.S. EPA’s Green Infrastructure and Integrated Planning Lead. In 2019, Robyn joined the Office of Wastewater Management as the integrated planning lead.  Robyn wrote a Report to Congress on Integrated Stormwater and Wastewater Planning and provides technical assistance to municipalities and state permitting authorities.  In 2021 she launched a robust cross-agency effort to re-establish the Green Infrastructure Federal Collaborative. 

Prior to joining the U.S. EPA, Robyn worked at the Ohio EPA Air Pollution Division, where she developed and managed a state-wide Emission Reduction Credit Trade and Banking Program for sources complying with New Source Review. She also developed Ohio’s State GHG inventory, collaborated with the Ohio Department of Development and Ohio Public Utility Commission staff on climate change policy development. Robyn holds a B.A. in Environmental Science and a M.A. in Energy and Environmental Analysis both from Boston University.

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