Conference Registration is OPEN! 

We are excited to welcome you to the 90th Annual Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association Conference and Exhibition in Boise, Idaho!   

This year we are focused on cultivating resilience, whether in our workforce, our planning efforts, construction projects, or designs.  Resilience is enhanced and developed by drawing from many aspects that affect our industry. We encouragparticipation from our members, our water partners and friends at other organizations, and anyone else who participates in the clean water community.   

Register Now!



The WAVE Program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds in the water industry through a series of skills-building workshops and conference attendance. WAVE participants have a unique opportunity to learn from water and wastewater leaders across the Pacific Northwest, practicing critical leadership and communication skills, and developing a strong network of peers and mentors over the course of the year, culminating in presentations at the PNCWA Annual Conference

The WAVE Program was recently recognized by WEF with a $5,000 WEF Pilot MA Grant. This grant will enable WAVE to fund the cohort's conference expenses, as this is a common barrier for students and emerging professionals to engage in education and networking opportunities like attending professional conference. Consider supporting the WAVE Program through a personal sponsorship

Learn more about WAVE!
Meet this year's WAVE cohort!