PNCWA Regions & Sections

Regions within PNCWA and the PNCWA sponsored Sections within the Regions are independent organizations with their own governance and are recognized and chartered by PNCWA.

Four Regions form the link between the Sections and the PNCWA Board of Directors. The Regions are Idaho, Oregon, Eastern Washington, and Western Washington. Each Region is represented by a Regional Director who serves on the PNCWA Board of Directors.

Independent local PNCWA Sections are active in each of the four regions, providing training and networking to meet the needs and interests of the area. 

Membership in a local Section need not be restricted to those who are members of the Association. The Section President and the Section Treasurer must be members of WEF/PNCWA . Sections may require and collect Section dues separate from PNCWA membership. (Note: Section membership does not constitute membership in PNCWA or WEF. Sections should communicate that in order to receive PNCWA benefits such as discounted registration at the PNCWA annual conference, an individual must also be a member of PNCWA or WEF.)

Website links for those Sections which maintain their websites are available below.

Idaho Region

The Idaho Region consists of all PNCWA and WEF/PNCWA members in Idaho and it is also the umbrella organization for the three PNCWA Sponsored Operators Sections in Idaho, Southwest, Southeast, and North. ID Region has its own Constitutions and Bylaws and each of the Sections operates under the Region Constitution but has unique bylaws. ► Download the ID Region Constitution and Bylaws (2009)

ID Regional Director—Jeremy Jensen
Preston, ID

Idaho Region Sections

Northern Idaho Operators Section
Northern Idaho Operators Section Website
North Idaho President—Marc Branscome

Southeast Idaho Operators Section
Southeast Idaho Operators Section Website
Southeast Idaho President—Jeremy Coles

Southwest Idaho Operators Section
Southwest Idaho Operators Section Website
Southwest Idaho President—Nathan Costner

Oregon Region

Oregon Region website

The Oregon Region consists of all PNCWA and WEF/PNCWA members in Oregon and it is also the umbrella organization of the PNCWA Sponsored Operators Sections in Oregon. The Oregon Region has its own Constitutions and Bylaws and each of the Sections operates under the Region Constitution but has unique bylaws. Visit the Oregon Region website here ► Download the Oregon Region PNCWA Constitution-Bylaws here .

OR Regional Director—Stephen T Lusch
Roseburg Urban Sanitary Authority
Roseburg OR

Oregon Region Sections

Eastern Oregon Operators Section
Eastern Oregon Operators Section Website
Eastern Oregon President—Rachel Muniz

Lower Columbia Section
Lower Columbia Section Website
Lower Columbia—Jeff Hart

South Central Operators Section
South Central Operators Section Website
South Central President—Alan Lawyer

Southwest Oregon Operators Section
Southwest Oregon Operators Section Website
SOOS President—Stephen Lusch

West Central Operators Section
West Central Operators Section Website
West Central President—Matt Etzel


Eastern Washington Region

The Eastern Washington Region consists of all PNCWA and WEF/PNCWA members in Eastern Washington and it is also the umbrella organization the PNCWA Sponsored Operators Sections in Eastern Washington. The Eastern Washington Region has its own Constitutions and Bylaws and each of the Sections operate under the Region Constitution but has unique bylaws. ► Download the Eastern Washington Region PNCWA Constitution-Bylaws here. Resources for WA Nonprofits

E WA Regional Director- Nathan Dahl

Jacobs/Spokane County Water Reclamation Facility
Spokane, WA

Eastern Washington Region Sections

Columbia Basin Operators Section

Columbia Basin President—Chad Short

Inland Empire Operators Section
Inland Empire President—Nathan Dahl

Yakima Valley Operators Section
Yakima Valley Operators Section Website
Yakima Valley President—Benjamin Haws


Western Washington Region

The Western Washington Region consists of all PNCWA and WEF/PNCWA members in Western Washington and it is also the umbrella organization the PNCWA Sponsored Operators Sections in Western Washington. The Western Washington Region has its own Constitutions and Bylaws and each of the Sections operate under the Region Constitution but has unique bylaws. ► Download the Western Washington Region Constitution and Bylaws here (2011)  Resources for WA Nonprofits

W WA Regional Director—Caitlin Dwyer
City of Arlington
Arlington, WA

Western Washington Region Sections

Northwest Washington Operators Section
Northwest Washington Operators Section Website
Northwest Washington President—Joe Carter
425.787.1940 ext. 8311

Olympic Peninsula Operators Section

Puget Sound Operators Section


Southwest Washington Operators Section
Southwest Washington Operators Section Website
Southwest Washington President—Justin Phelps