Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association
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Leadership Development Book Club
Thursday, May 30, 2024, 11:00 AM - 11:35 AM PDT
Category: Networking Events

Please join us on May 30th at 11:00 AM PT to discuss Simon Sinek’s The Infinite Game: How Great Businesses Achieve Long-Term Success (hint: personnel, people served, and purpose). Sinek explores leadership choices and provides guidelines to implement an "infinite game" plan. Finite mindsets focus on winning, whereas infinite mindsets develop a more significant cause than us or our business. Collaborating with others, around a shared purpose, builds a better-resourced, and more caring world. Whether you manage people, or projects and/or are looking for a purpose-driven career, Sinek can guide the way. While we don’t have an “infinite” amount of time to discuss, we’ll aim to do a deep overview in 35 minutes to fit your busy schedule.


Contact: [email protected]