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Meet the 2025 WAVE Cohort!

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2025 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants.

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The Intersection of Race and Disability Learning Session

Please join the Racial Social Justice Subcommittee on December 10th from 12:00 - 1:30 pm (Pacific) for a learning session with Danielle Pacifico-Cogan of DP Cogan Consulting on the intersectionality of race and disability.

Race, class, gender, and disability are the four overarching social categories our society uses to arrange people into hierarchies of power. Only recently have mainstream culture and scholarship caught up to disabled activists and scholars in recognizing the role disability plays in quality of life and access to opportunity. The Intersection of Race and Disability Learning Session explores the historical context and contemporary implications of race and disability in American life.

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Support the 2024 WAVE Program!

The WAVE program offers a 5-part workshop series focusing on the water and wastewater industry, networking, leadership skills development, employment opportunities, and professional presentation experiences. WAVErs have a unique opportunity to learn from water and wastewater leaders across the Pacific Northwest, practicing critical leadership and communication skills, and developing a strong network of peers and mentors over the course of the year, culminating in presentations at the PNCWA Annual Conference. Most of the WAVE cohort will be first time attendees at this year’s conference in Boise, ID on Sept. 8-11, 2024, and we want to support and welcome them to this awesome community!

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Meet the WAVE Cohort

Meet the 2024 WAVE Cohort!

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2024 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants. Here is a quick introduction of Andrew, Curtis, Faron, and Carson - learn more about them in the PNCWA blog!

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Meet the WAVE Cohort!

Meet the 2024 WAVE Cohort!

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2024 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants. Here is a quick introduction of Victor, Michelle, Mia, and Georgina!

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Meet the 2024 WAVE Leadership Team

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2024 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. This month, you get the opportunity to meet the WAVE Leadership Team for 2024, who have been working hard to continuously improve the WAVE program. Here is a quick introduction of our fearless chair, Asa, and our three awesome leaders, Angela, Juliana, and Anu!

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Meet the 2024 WAVE Cohort!

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2024 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants. Here is a quick introduction of Theresa, Celeste, Max, and Mo.

Theresa Passe

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Meet the 2024 WAVE Cohort

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2024 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants. Here is the first round!


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The WAVE Program: Welcome the 2024 Cohort!

Please consider supporting the cohort through participation or sponsorship!

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2024 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants and the program. Logo, company name Description automatically generated.

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WAVE Program Call For Presenters

The WAVE Program is looking for presenters to join our 2024 Workshop Series!

The workshops are the backbone of this program. They allow cohort members to gain knowledge, start building their networks, and are what set the WAVE program apart! This program is grateful to have had phenomenal speakers over the years, some of which have presented multiple times. We are opening the space to welcome both new and returning presenters who want to contribute to this program and get to know the upcoming future leaders in water!

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WAVE Program: Meet the Students


The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance at the 2023 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants.

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WAVE Program: Meet the Students

The WAVE program engages students and emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds with the water industry through a series of workshops and attendance of the 2023 PNCWA conference. The workshops focus on the various paths within the water industry, networking, skills development, employment opportunities, and conference preparation. Each month until the conference, we will highlight our participants.

Today, Meet Juliana, Nicole, and Jasper:

Juliana Andrade 
Student at Seattle University, studying Civil Engineering with an Environmental Specialization 
Brown and Caldwell, Environmental Engineering Intern 

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WAVE Program: Leading the Future of Water

New Year, New Name. Same Great Program. 

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Racial Social Justice Subcommittee Goals

Last month we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a holiday commemorating the legacy of Dr. King, one of the most influential changemakers in modern history. Dr. King’s influence withstands the test of time and continues to motivate change around the world (the Netherlands, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada and Hiroshima, Japan hold events or days dedicated to MLK). As the National Constitution Center states, “Today, the King holiday serves multiple purposes: It honors the total legacy of King; focuses on the issue of civil rights; highlights the use of nonviolence to promote change; and calls people into public service.” These purposes are integral to PNCWA’s dedication to the water industry. In 2020, PNCWA started the Racial and Social Justice (RSJ) Subcommittee to the Member Services Committee (MSC) to promote diversity and racial and social justice amongst membership.    

The subcommittee is pursuing 5 main goals. The goals and progress to date include: 

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Submit Your Application for the 2023 InFLOW Program

InFLOW logo

In 2019, the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) launched a program called InFLOW (Introducing Future Leaders to Opportunities in Water): an initiative that strives to identify promising students and young professionals from underrepresented minority groups who are interested in careers in the water industry. PNCWA is continuing in its mission to change the face of the water industry and help build a more diverse and inclusive world.

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Meet the 2022 InFLOW Participants

InFLOW is a PNCWA initiative that strives to identify promising students and young professionals from underrepresented groups who are interested in careers in the water industry. They participate in a year-long virtual program that culminates in the in-person annual conference. Each month, we highlight our participants, like Katelin Godwin, as they share why they’re excited about this year’s program.

Kate GodwinKatelin Godwin

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Save the Date: Women of Water Summit

women of water

PNCWA is hosting the next Women of Water Summit in person at Seattle University’s Campion Hall on Thursday, October 6. Hear from women leaders in our industry speak to their passion for water and interest in protecting our environment, which led them to pursue fulfilling careers in the water industry. Open to all, the summit is a networking event including lunch and dynamic speakers. Look for more information in about one month.

Meet the 2022 InFLOW Participants

InFLOW is a PNCWA initiative that strives to identify promising students and young professionals from underrepresented groups who are interested in careers in the water industry. They participate in a year-long virtual program that culminates in the in-person annual conference. Each month, we highlight our participants, like Madison Whitlow-Hewett, as they share why they’re excited about this year’s program.

Madison-Whitlow-HewettMadison Whitlow-Hewett
Clean Water Services
Westhaven Community Services District

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RS&J Subcommittee Newsletter - May 2022

The Racial & Social Justice (RSJ) Subcommittee May newsletter contains links to resources on Asian Americans Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month. The goal of the newsletter is to highlight diversity, equity, and inclusion projects and collect multimedia resources and book recommendations to advance learning and awareness of history, perspective, and action for environmental, racial, economic, and social justice.

The subcommittee welcomes your suggestions for content, such as educational materials (i.e., essays, books, podcasts, etc.); membership organization RSJ/DEI programming (i.e., agencies, consulting firms); projects with RSJ elements; and volunteer opportunities. Email Frank Dick at [email protected] with your ideas and suggestions.

Meet the 2022 InFLOW Participants

InFLOW is a PNCWA initiative that strives to identify promising students and young professionals from underrepresented groups who are interested in careers in the water industry. They participate in a year-long virtual program that culminates in the in-person annual conference. Each month, we highlight our participants, like Edgar Sanchez Fausto, as they share why they’re excited about this year’s program.

edgar sanchez faustoEdgar Sanchez Fausto
Clean Water Services

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