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Save the Date: Stormwater Learning Hour

Stormwater Learning Hour

***UPDATE: click here to register*** Please save the date for the Stormwater Committee’s next learning hour on Wednesday, January 26 at 12 p.m. PDT. Kaela Mansfield and Kevin Flanagan with Osborn Consulting will present on the West Plains Stormwater Action Plan completed for the rapidly developing West Plains area near Spokane, Washington. The study addressed the question of whether regional stormwater planning can be a catalyst for growth by blurring the interface between public and private stormwater management. The presentation will cover an approach to creating beneficial management strategies that incentivize developers to maximize their footprint by paying stormwater fees for off-site stormwater treatment. A sign-up link will be provided in the January PNCWA digital digest.

Stormwater Learning Hour, June 17

Stormwater Learning Hour

Please join the Stormwater Committee for an informal learning hour on Thursday, June 17 at 12 PM PDT. Nitin Joshi, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Manager at City of Salem, will present on the Pringle Creek Demolition and Stream Restoration project, which brought daylight to a stretch of Pringle Creek near its confluence with the Willamette River in Salem, Oregon near Riverfront Park. Since the 1980s, Salem has been working to reclaim its waterfront from a century of industrial use and to convert it to public open space and economic redevelopment. Nitin will discuss how the City tackled the technical and regulatory challenges associated with this project, which won an Award of Merit in 2020 from the Engineering News Record. Sign up now for this lunch-hour presentation with time for interaction and questions (no CEUs offered at this time).

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Committee Spotlight: Stormwater

Wildfires, Safety, and Water Quality: After the Smoke Clears
By Allison Lukens, EI, Mead & Hunt, Inc.

If you live in the Western part of the United States, chances are you were impacted by the historic wildfire season in 2020. A total of 10.27 million acres and nearly 59,000 fires burned last year, contributing to the largest annual wildfire acreage burned in the U.S. since 1960. Although it’s difficult to predict the precise time, location, and magnitude of wildfires, we need to accept that they are a possibility and do whatever we can to prepare for them. 

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Committee Spotlight: Stormwater

New Stormwater Management Strategies and Benefits During These Unusual Times

Community leaders continue to be pressed to determine essential services and define the critical activities to operate safely and continuously in their communities. The need for clean, safe, and reliable drinking water is high on that list, as well as the need for functioning wastewater collection and treatment systems. With tight budgets and little time, these leaders find themselves asking critical questions: What level of functionality of stormwater infrastructure is essential? Can we wait to perform some of these functions when things are safer? What activities are truly essential?

The vitality of stormwater infrastructure is necessary to protect our urban areas during storms and prevent pollutants from entering our waterways. We increasingly rely on green infrastructure to better manage stormwater, deliver water quality benefits, enhance the appearance of urban areas, and make movement safer for pedestrians and bicycles.

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Seattle's Thornton Creek is Restored

Thornton Creek is familiar to you as the 18-mile urban creek that runs from Southeast Shoreline through to Northeast Seattle. The creek has been manipulated extensively over the past decades as it was solely a flood conveyance system for the area; however, from these alterations, it became less hospitable for the fish and wildlife. For the fish to thrive, the water layers need to interact in a cyclical habitat, which cleanses the water of waste and regulates the temperature of the water.

Seattle Public Utilities took notice of this issue and evaluated the creek from surface to bottom. The restoration began with Xylem Rental Solutions to dewater the entire site, while the fish were moved temporarily by Seattle Pacific University biologists. This whole restoration effort took four years and cost around $11 million; in the beginning, a major storm threatened the initial progress and two Godwin pumps were used to save the project site.

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Stormwater Infrastructure Taskforce Bill Passes House

On July 16, the House passed HR 3906, the Innovative Stormwater Infrastructure Act of 2017, a bill introduced by Rep. Denny Heck (R-WA), by voice vote.  This is legislative language that the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the National Municipal Stormwater Association (NMSA), as part of their partnership in the WEF Stormwater Institute, supported and advocated for, which would create a task force that would look for ways to fund our nation’s stormwater infrastructure needs.  Read more.

WIFIA in the Pacific Northwest

WIFIA-financed King County, Wash., stormwater treatment project to protect water quality in the Duwamish River

Construction is underway in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle, Wash., on a combined sewer overflow (CSO) wet weather treatment station that will treat up to 265 million L/d (70 mgd) of polluted stormwater runoff that currently can flow into the Duwamish River during severe rain events. The $262 million Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station — a key part of King County’s broader objective to safeguard Puget Sound — is expected to help protect the Duwamish River from stormwater pollution for the next century.

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