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Call for Resume Volunteers

Resume Review Workshop at UW - Seattle

Are you ready to make a difference in the career journeys of UW students?

The S&YP is partnering with other local YP groups to host an exciting Resume Review Event, and we’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join us in making this event a success. Your expertise and guidance could help someone land their dream job!

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Student Design Competition

Student Design Competition. We are looking for volunteers to help out with judging the competition and will involve the following tasks, review of design notebook, attend video call where teams present project, submission of graded rubric for each team, debrief call to discuss team grading/score. If this s something you would be interested in, please reach out to Sam Nieslanik at [email protected].

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Spokane Area Quarterly Facility Tour and Social

Join us for a tour and social on April 17th, 2024, at the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board (HARSB)! Starting at 3 pm, we’ll tour the facility then head over to Bees Knees Whiskey Bar at about 5 pm for a social gathering. If you’re interested, please register here – it’s free for everyone! The tour will provide 0.2 CEUs for Washington and Idaho, pending approval. This event is hosted by the Students and Young Professionals Committee, but everyone is welcome to attend.

PNCWA Mentorship Pairing Participant Survey

The Mentoring Program pairing survey is now open and is scheduled to close end of the day on Monday, March 18th. This program is a great way to network, share with and learn from others in the industry. The survey will help to match participants with an appropriate protégé/mentor to fit what each party wants to get out of the program. Each mentor/protégé will be notified of their pairing via email, and the journey begins as soon as each mentor/protégé accepts the pairing and commits to developing the relationship! Teams are encouraged to meet at least once each month, but we leave it up to the mentor and protégé to set their own goals and determine which method(s) of communication work best for them. Please fill out the online pairing survey below and spread the word to your organizations. For any questions, reach out to Lauren Tetzloff or Almi Mansaray

Mentorship Pairing Survey

Spokane Area Quarterly Facility Tour and Social

Join us for a tour and social on April 17th, 2024, at the Hayden Area Regional Sewer Board (HARSB)! Starting at 3 pm, we’ll tour the facility then head over to a bar (TBD) at about 5 pm for a social gathering. If you’re interested, please register here – it’s free for everyone! The tour will provide 0.2 CEUs for Washington and Idaho, pending approval. This event is hosted by the Students and Young Professionals Committee, but everyone is welcome to attend.

Spokane Area Quarterly Facility Tour and Social

Join us for a tour and social on January 11th, 2024, at the Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility run by the City of Spokane! Starting at 3 pm, we’ll tour the facility then head over to Backyard Public House at about 5 pm for a social gathering. If you’re interested, please register here – it’s free for everyone!  This event is hosted by the Students and Young Professionals Committee, but everyone is welcome to attend!


Spokane Area Quarterly Social

Liberty Lake WRF Tour & Social

Join us for a tour and social on October 5th at the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District WRF! Starting at 3 pm, we’ll tour the facility then we’ll head over to Snow Eater Brewing Company at about 5 pm for a social gathering. If you’re interested, please register here – it’s free for everyone! This event is hosted by the Students and Young Professionals Committee, but everyone is welcome to attend.

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Mentorship Program Now Accepting Applications

mentor program

The 2023 PNCWA mentorship program is open for applications! This program will pair mentors with protégés and provide a framework for regular mentorship meetings over a six-month period. Pairings are made based on results to this application survey. Meet someone new outside of your organization, field, or sector and grow in ways you may not have considered!

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Know a Student or Young Professional? Get Them Involved

The Student and Young Professional Committee is excited to introduce our new leadership team and share our goals for the future of our committee. Based out of Portland, Riley Murnane is serving as our new chair. Riley has lived in Oregon for the last seven years and currently works for Hazen and Sawyer. Our vice chair, Cody Sprague, is from Boise and currently works at Mountain Waterworks as an engineer. Hannah Thomascall is the new S&YP board liaison and an engineer at Spokane County.

riley murnane  cody sprague  hannah thomascall 
Riley Murnane Cody Sprague Hannah Thomascall


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Apply to Become a Mentor or Mentee By Feb. 28

mentor program

The PNCWA Mentorship Program application is now open! This one-year program pairs seasoned clean water professionals with students and young professionals for a series of conversations and learning opportunities to challenge and inspire us and to help us stay connected. It’s a great way to grow your career as well as your PNCWA network. If you’re an experienced professional interested in guiding the industry’s future leaders, or a student or young professional seeking advice from someone who has faced the same career questions, consider participating in the 2022 program.

For more information, visit our webpage.

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Students & Young Professionals Mentor Program

mentor program

The PNCWA Mentorship Program application is now open! This one-year program pairs seasoned clean water professionals with students and young professionals for a series of conversations and learning opportunities that challenge us, inspire us, and help us stay connected. It’s a great way to grow your career and your PNCWA network. If you’re an experienced professional interested in guiding the industry’s future leaders, or a student or young professional seeking advice from someone who has faced the same career questions, consider participating in 2021.

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Kristi Steiner has been selected as the WEF Outstanding YP Award winner. HUGE congrats and well deserved. Kristi has served WEF in so many ways through YP connections, PNCWA leadership, Water Leadership Institute, and the WEF-AWWA YP Summit. Please congratulate Kristi and join us digitally for the WEF Awards Ceremony during WEFTEC. 

We are also pleased to share that Brittany Burch, Isle Americas' Senior Program Manager, has been named to Water & Wastes Digest list of 2020 Young Professionals! Brittany Burch is active in the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association and takes a lot of pride in the InFLOW program — Introducing Future Leaders to Opportunities in Water — which aims to encourage more people of color and women to join the industry by engaging them through more hands-on experiences like attending the annual conference. Burch has said, “Engaging future leaders on an individual and personal level is one of the echoed sentiments of the next generation of workers, who are likely to push the digital transformation of the industry to the next level.” Check out the article and video

US Stockholm Junior Water Prize Winner Hails From Washington

PNCWA is excited to announce that Zoe Gotthold, from Richland, WA, is the winner of the 2020 U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP), the nation’s most prestigious youth competition for water-related research. Gotthold developed prototypes of devices that promote oil flocculation at the surface and increase the efficacy of traditional oil spill remediation techniques. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, SJWP had to pivot to an online-only competition for the first time. Watch Gotthold’s video explanation of her research with this link.

Students from 41 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico competed in the national finals during a virtual event on June 20. Gotthold won $10,000 and will represent the United States at the international competition in August.

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YP Summit 2020 Recap

The 2020 YP Summit theme was “amping up our communication game.” The way we communicate within our organizations and with our customers is just as fundamental to our daily business as any other task or strategy we perform in the water industry. Erica Haide, Senior Marketing Coordinator at Brown and Caldwell (Portland), was one of our PNCWA YP representatives at the summit. She gave us her top takeaways from the summit below.


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2019 WEFTEC: One YP’s Experience

Each year, the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) offers scholarships to Student and Young Professional (S&YP) committee members to attend the national Water and Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC). As the lucky recipient of one of this year’s two scholarships, I had the opportunity to join over 20,000 water professionals gathering in Chicago for the 92nd WEFTEC, the largest annual water quality exhibition in the world.

The conference kicked off with an opening session featuring keynote speaker Dr. Lera Boroditsky, an Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of California-San Diego. Dr. Boroditsky spoke about how language plays a critical role in influencing our perception of the world, including the development and reinforcement of personal biases. She connected this power of language to the importance of understanding how to use communication in developing a diverse and inclusive workforce in the water industry. Dr. Boroditsky’s message was echoed in the remarks of (past) WEF president Tom Kunetz who emphasized the power of building an inclusive and diverse workforce in the world of water and wastewater.

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SYP Scholarships to Attend WEFTEC are Available

PNCWA 2019 SYP WEFTEC Scholarship application is online

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered:
1. Be a Student or Young Professional member of PNCWA at the time of application.
2. Reside and work within WA, OR, or ID.
3. Cannot be a previous recipient of a SYPC WEFTEC Scholarship.
Instructions: Please complete the SurveyMonkey form no later than Aug 9, 2019, at 5:00PM Pacific Time. To ensure an unbiased evaluation process, please do not include any identifying information (your name, the name of your employer, etc.) in your application responses...we will track your application by your WEF member number! Scholarship application is at

PNCWA YPs Connect at 2019 YP Summit

At PNCWA, our mission supports the professional development of our members. The AWWA/WEF joint YP Summit provides the young professionals in our organization the opportunity to join other YPs from across the country to learn, grow, and build community. Each year the Student and Young Professional committee sponsor two member YPs to attend the YP Summit. Due to an increase in interest this year, the S&YP committee made a call for applications. Erica Haide, a marketing professional from Brown and Caldwell, and Brittany Sorenson, an engineer with BergerABAM, were selected through the application process.

Erica has been involved in the Pacific Northwest water industry since 2015. She applied to attend the YP summit because she knew it would only further her passion for the industry. “I would love to continue my leadership within the industry,” Haide explained. “The more exposure I can get with like-minded people will help me further those goals and turn them into reality.” Brittany was equally passionate but approached applying for a slightly different reason. “I got my PE a year ago and signed up as a WEF member but six months later felt like I hadn’t been a good member or taken advantage of member benefits like I had hoped,” Sorenson said.

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PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop at Portland State University

Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) Resume Building Workshop Feb 11

Come join our Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) for a Resume Building Workshop on Monday, February 11 at Hot Lips Pizza-PSU! We will provide an introduction to PNCWA, followed by a Resume-Building 101 presentation, and we will finish with time for students to work with water industry professionals on their individual resumes. With the PSU Career Fair coming up on February 13, this is your chance to network with professionals in the water industry and get some last-minute help with your resume. Oh, and there will also be pizza!

What: PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop
Where: Hot Lips Pizza on PSU Campus (1909 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR)
When: Monday, February 11 from 4:00pm-6:00pm

2019 PNCWA Mentoring Program Announcement

Dear PNCWA Members,

We would like to invite you to participate in the 2019 PNCWA Mentoring Program. This program was developed to encourage experienced professionals (mentors) in our area to pass on their knowledge and experience to young professionals (protégés). Here’s how it works:

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PNW YP Summit Speakers Announced!

Register now for the 2018 Pacific Northwest Student and Young Professionals Summit.

We are excited to announce a phenomenal line-up of speakers covering topics on technical material and professional development as it relates to this year’s theme: Innovation.

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