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Sustainability and Biosolids Committee Webinar: Advanced Thermal Treatment for PFAS

* Eligible for 0.2 CEUs 

The Sustainability and Biosolids Committee invites you to a webinar on June 28 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (PDT) on Advanced Thermal Treatment for PFAS. The presence of PFAS in biosolids has resulted in significant challenges for the municipal wastewater industry, especially for those utilities who land apply biosolids for beneficial use. Current and pending regulations will require WRRFs to rethink their biosolids management programs. With these challenges comes opportunities making it an exciting time for solids treatment in our industry.  

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Webinars to Watch For: Bioenergy and Co-Digestion

Don’t forget to sign up for the Bioenergy and Co-Digestion webinar! This webinar, hosted by the Sustainability and Biosolids Committee, is on April 25th from 1-3 pm (PDT) and will cover the following topics.

  • Overview and trends of organic diversion regulations. 
  • Impacts and opportunities for utilities. 
  • Planning for accepting source-separated organics. 
  • Trends and barriers to recovering energy and resources from SSOs. 
  • Cost/Benefit model and case studies.

The webinar is free to members of PNCWA and only $10 for non-members. CEUs are actively being pursued in this webinar.

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Sustainability and Biosolids Committee Webinar on Bioenergy and Co-Digestion

Bioenergy and Co-Digestion Webinar - Climate Change Regulation Provides Opportunities for WRRFs

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PFAS Webinar Review

On January 19, the Sustainability and Biosolids Committee and the Government Affairs Committee hosted a webinar on Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), featuring Ms. Rashi Gupta (Carollo), Dr. Jason Conder (Geosyntec Consultants), and Mr. Frank Dick (City of Vancouver). The webinar addressed multiple topics including updates on the state-of-the-art of PFAS, current management practices, risk assessment, and legislation for PFAS in biosolids. Thank you to all our speakers for providing such important and timely information! If you missed the webinar, you can watch a recording of it here. 

Rashi addressed PFAS fundamentals sources, an update on the PFAS roadmap from the EPA, health advisory levels, current treatment technologies for biosolids, implications of PFAS presence in biosolids management, and recommendations for facilities to adapt to the rapidly changing regulations.  

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Sustainability Facility Spotlight - Puyallup Water Pollution Control Plant


The Puyallup Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is an MLE activated sludge treatment plant with an average flow of 5 MGD. In the winter, the peak wet weather flow jumps up to 20 MGD. The WPCP discharges into the Puyallup River, which is a salmon bearing stream and has important historical and economic concern to the local Puyallup Tribal Nation. Because of these concerns, the WPCP has a very strict copper limit, and nutrient removal has been the goal for 20 years.

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PNCWA Webinar: Energy Efficiency and Recovery Opportunities Sept. 26

Topic: PNCWA Webinar: Energy Efficiency and Recovery Opportunities and Successful Examples in Pacific Northwest

When: Sep 26, 2018 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this webinar:

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Check Out the Envision Certification System and WEF Envision Manual

The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) Envision rating system as been around for about five years and is gaining traction as the premier sustainability rating system for the wastewater industry. ISI was founded by the American Public Works Association (APWA), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) and operates under their oversight. ISI collaborated with the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design to develop Envision. 

Envision is a rating system for sustainable infrastructure. It measures a project’s impact on the surrounding community and environment plus technical considerations regarding materials and processes while providing a framework for discussing sustainability decisions with project stakeholders and community.  Not only is it a planning and design tool, it also is a means of evaluating completed infrastructure projects. 

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