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2019 WEFTEC: One YP’s Experience

Each year, the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) offers scholarships to Student and Young Professional (S&YP) committee members to attend the national Water and Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC). As the lucky recipient of one of this year’s two scholarships, I had the opportunity to join over 20,000 water professionals gathering in Chicago for the 92nd WEFTEC, the largest annual water quality exhibition in the world.

The conference kicked off with an opening session featuring keynote speaker Dr. Lera Boroditsky, an Associate Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of California-San Diego. Dr. Boroditsky spoke about how language plays a critical role in influencing our perception of the world, including the development and reinforcement of personal biases. She connected this power of language to the importance of understanding how to use communication in developing a diverse and inclusive workforce in the water industry. Dr. Boroditsky’s message was echoed in the remarks of (past) WEF president Tom Kunetz who emphasized the power of building an inclusive and diverse workforce in the world of water and wastewater.

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SYP Scholarships to Attend WEFTEC are Available

PNCWA 2019 SYP WEFTEC Scholarship application is online

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered:
1. Be a Student or Young Professional member of PNCWA at the time of application.
2. Reside and work within WA, OR, or ID.
3. Cannot be a previous recipient of a SYPC WEFTEC Scholarship.
Instructions: Please complete the SurveyMonkey form no later than Aug 9, 2019, at 5:00PM Pacific Time. To ensure an unbiased evaluation process, please do not include any identifying information (your name, the name of your employer, etc.) in your application responses...we will track your application by your WEF member number! Scholarship application is at

Have You Found Your Ikigai?


What’s your reason for getting up in the morning?

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PNCWA YPs Connect at 2019 YP Summit

At PNCWA, our mission supports the professional development of our members. The AWWA/WEF joint YP Summit provides the young professionals in our organization the opportunity to join other YPs from across the country to learn, grow, and build community. Each year the Student and Young Professional committee sponsor two member YPs to attend the YP Summit. Due to an increase in interest this year, the S&YP committee made a call for applications. Erica Haide, a marketing professional from Brown and Caldwell, and Brittany Sorenson, an engineer with BergerABAM, were selected through the application process.

Erica has been involved in the Pacific Northwest water industry since 2015. She applied to attend the YP summit because she knew it would only further her passion for the industry. “I would love to continue my leadership within the industry,” Haide explained. “The more exposure I can get with like-minded people will help me further those goals and turn them into reality.” Brittany was equally passionate but approached applying for a slightly different reason. “I got my PE a year ago and signed up as a WEF member but six months later felt like I hadn’t been a good member or taken advantage of member benefits like I had hoped,” Sorenson said.

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PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop at Portland State University

Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) Resume Building Workshop Feb 11

Come join our Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) for a Resume Building Workshop on Monday, February 11 at Hot Lips Pizza-PSU! We will provide an introduction to PNCWA, followed by a Resume-Building 101 presentation, and we will finish with time for students to work with water industry professionals on their individual resumes. With the PSU Career Fair coming up on February 13, this is your chance to network with professionals in the water industry and get some last-minute help with your resume. Oh, and there will also be pizza!

What: PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop
Where: Hot Lips Pizza on PSU Campus (1909 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR)
When: Monday, February 11 from 4:00pm-6:00pm

PNW YP Summit Speakers Announced!

Register now for the 2018 Pacific Northwest Student and Young Professionals Summit.

We are excited to announce a phenomenal line-up of speakers covering topics on technical material and professional development as it relates to this year’s theme: Innovation.

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