PNCWA exists for the, “education… increased public understanding, and promotion of sound public laws and programs in the water resources and related environmental fields.” Like all of our members, PNCWA believes that the right to clean water and sanitation is a basic human right, just like the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. And yet the recent senseless murders of Black Americans such as George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor have shown us that we cannot talk about protecting human health and the environment without talking about the systemic racism and injustice that has existed from our nation’s beginning and still exists today. We realize our silence and inaction makes us complicit in denying certain segments of our population, like the Black Community, of their basic rights, not just to clean water but to life itself. We have much to learn.
Our membership is comprised of people who joined this industry to be a part of something greater than themselves – wanting and willing to make the world a better place. As PNCWA leaders, we promise that the Black Community does not simply have our solidarity but our enduring voices, resolved to help carry the burden of fighting institutional racism, discrimination, and bias. This is not a Black problem, but a human problem. And we call on all of our members to use their privilege and platforms to lessen the burden off of the shoulders of those who are the subject of these injustices. This will take each and every one of us, committed to this hard work that must endure even after the protests have quieted and the headlines have faded.
In the coming weeks, we will be releasing specific actions PNCWA will be taking in this regard, and we will be providing opportunities for our members to get involved. We ask you all commit time to be educated, to increase your understanding, and to promote ideas and programs that eliminate structural racism in our organization, region, and the communities we serve.
PNCWA Board of Directors
Adam McClymont, President
Haley Falconer, President-Elect
Rob Lee, Vice-President
Lara Kammereck, Secretary
Jenny Coker, Treasurer
Jim Baird, Past President
Steven Drangsholt, WEF Director
Kristi Steiner, WEF Director
Casey Gish, Young Professional Representative
Jesse Hartman, Idaho Regional Director
Steve Lusch, Oregon Regional Director
Anthony Benavidez, Eastern Washington Regional Director
Andrew Perez, Western Washington Regional Director