The Racial and Social Justice (RSJ) Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Member Services Committee, which was established to ensure the growth of PNCWA by promoting and retaining membership and identifying opportunities to improve member services. Among its goals is to increase the diversity of PNCWA to make the membership more representative of the community at large.
In light of the events in 2020, the Board decided to create the Racial and Social Justice Subcommittee to foster greater equity and inclusion at PNCWA,establish a culture of equity throughout the Association, promote fluency in RSJ through education, resources, and tools, and provide equitable access for opportunities. The subcommittee goals include:
- Coordinate with other technical committees to provide an RSJ/equity lens and support for incorporating RSJ best practices.
- Provide education and RSJ resources for PNCWA membership.
- Promote equity and inclusion within PNCWA and the broader water industry.
The subcommittee recognizes that everyone is at a different place in their personal RSJ journey — whether that be Encounter, Denial, Disorientation, Shame, Self-Righteousness, or Awakening. We understand the challenges of this topic. All of us are also experiencing and living the realities of the journey. We are appreciative of the chance to do it together and hope to walk alongside each of you.
Stay tuned for future updates on our activities and goals. If this sounds like something you would like to be involved in, go to the Member Services page and let the subcommittee chair know you are interested. We can use all the help we can get.