We are pleased to announce that 2021 PNCWA Scholarship Applications are now being accepted. The application cycle is open until June 30, 2021. Submit an application online.
Scholarships Offered:
Daniel Keil Service for Water Legacy Scholarship
Environmental Stewardship Scholarship
Lucas Eibel Memorial Scholarship
The Education for Operators Scholarship
Pat Brown Memorial Scholarship
Complete descriptions of the scholarship focus and application requirements are on the PNCWA website.
Last year, we awarded scholarships to six outstanding students from diverse backgrounds to study in the Water Environment field. We look forward to continuing to award scholarships to support students in the Water Environment field. Please be sure to share this information with anybody and everybody who might want to apply.
You Can Contribute To The Success Of The Next Generation
The Clean Water Services (CWS) scholarship challenge remains open, and we’re trying to raise $12,000 for the PNCWA Scholarship Fund. CWS will donate $1,500 if five additional utilities, consultants, or manufacturers match that amount, adding $9,000 to the fund. Clean Water Services will also match individual member donations up to $1,500 — another potential $3,000 for the fund. To date, we have received $2,000 from company donations and $200 from individual donations. Learn more on how to donate.