Thursday, April 27, 12 pm Pacific/1 pm Mountain
Note! Date changed from April 26 to April 27
Robin Kirschbaum with RKI will present on designing with maintenance in mind. The Washington State Department of Ecology requires all projects across the State to plan for and perform appropriate preventive maintenance and performance checks at regular intervals to ensure that stormwater facilities are adequately maintained and properly operated. However, the majority of project planning and implementation effort is often focused on the initial design and construction of the facilities, with less attention to optimizing the life cycle cost and feasibility of maintaining the facilities over the long term.
This presentation will review several case studies for projects in western Washington with a wide range in contributing drainage area sizes and site contexts, including ultra-urban, residential, and rural/commercial. Each case study includes specific examples of how designs evolved based on available monitoring data and feedback from maintenance crews and community members. Lessons learned regarding how to design for successful long-term maintenance and operation are discussed.
Wednesday, May 17, 12 pm Pacific/1 pm Mountain
Abbey Rhode and John Goetz III of Clean Water Services (CWS) will present our approach of combining engineering, ecology, and partnerships to remove a channel spanning fish passage barrier in Gales Creek known as the Balm Grove Dam. Our technical approach includes detailed project monitoring and data analysis, academic research (eDNA and soils), extended site preparation, funding acquisition, embracing stream function, collaborative contracting as well as hosting multiple public meetings. Using data to drive project management decisions we are refining our approach by combining engineering and ecological disciplines in streams with cobbles, gravels, and fine-grained, cohesive clay soils and hope to share lessons learned along the way.
Registration required! Sign up for Stormwater Learning Hours here.