PNCWA Participates in Water Week 2024 by sending 5 members to Washington DC
The National Water Policy Fly-In, part of National Water Week, took place the week of April 8, 2024. Water Week provided water sector professionals to come together in a forum to hear updates from our national water advocacy organizations and key federal officials and members of Congress about ongoing and emerging policy initiatives occurring at the federal level. The event culminated with Fly-In participants engaging with congressional lawmakers and staff from their respective home States
This year, PNCWA sent 5 total attendees to DC with additional members participating virtually, and held 10+ meetings with the regional congressional delegation. Important topics covered include upcoming PFAS regulations, legislation to prevent non-“flushable” wipes from entering the wastewater systems, sustaining important funding programs especially the State Revolving Funds, and concerns related to workforce development, among others.
It was a fantastic week of learning, networking, advocacy, and community building. The PNCWA Government Affairs Committee will be debriefing lessons learned in collaboration with the Stormwater Committee at an upcoming Learning Hour. Please contact Susan Schlangen ([email protected]) for any inquiries related to the fly-in or Government Affairs.
We want to hear from the membership! Please let us know how Government Affairs can support you and your organization in advocacy and education activities related to infrastructure funding issues by answering our one-question survey: