2019 Membership Survey

The PNCWA Annual Member Survey has been designed to provide feedback to the Board of Directors and Committees on how effective our organization has been at meeting the professional needs of our membership. The information contained in the surveys submitted will be used to determine PNCWA success in meeting it's strategic plan goals, adjust the plan if necessary, and provide feedback to the board and committee chairs to help identify what the organization is doing well as well as proactive suggestions for areas that may need a little more attention or improvement.


It only takes a few minutes: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2019PNCWAmembership-survey

Wastewater Project Funding Alternatives

Information compiled thanks to John Hendron and Carrie Finan.

There are several state and federal programs that provide financing to eligible entities for planning, designing, and constructing wastewater projects. Whether the goal is to build or repair collection systems or treatment facilities, these important resources can help aid in your project’s success.

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CMMS Survey—Is Your Utility Using CMMS?

If you are responsible for the management of maintenance in your utility, please take this survey

The Utility Management Committee is seeking to understand how Computer Maintenance Managements Systems (CMMS) are utilized by Pacific Northwest utilities. Is your utility using a CMMS system or not? What are the barriers, challenges, and successes? If you are responsible for the management of maintenance in your utility, please take this survey. We want to hear from you!

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Proposed C&Bs Changes 2019

"Dear PNCWA Members,

On Tuesday, September 10th, the PNCWA Board will ask those of you in attendance at the Business Luncheon, which serves as the Association's Annual Meeting, to vote on proposed changes to the PNCWA Constitution. This serves as your 30-day notice, as required by PNCWA's Constitution and Bylaws. The PNCWA Board will also vote on proposed changes to the PNCWA Bylaws, and the Board welcomes your comments on the proposed changes. This also serves as your 30-day notice. Continue

SYP Scholarships to Attend WEFTEC are Available

PNCWA 2019 SYP WEFTEC Scholarship application is online

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered:
1. Be a Student or Young Professional member of PNCWA at the time of application.
2. Reside and work within WA, OR, or ID.
3. Cannot be a previous recipient of a SYPC WEFTEC Scholarship.
Instructions: Please complete the SurveyMonkey form no later than Aug 9, 2019, at 5:00PM Pacific Time. To ensure an unbiased evaluation process, please do not include any identifying information (your name, the name of your employer, etc.) in your application responses...we will track your application by your WEF member number! Scholarship application is at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SYPC2019WEFTEC.

WEF Water Advocates Needs Your Voice

WE are the experts.

Let’s speak with a loud, united voice. Speak up. Share your knowledge. It is more important now than ever. Inform government decision-makers and the public about the importance of water.

Aging infrastructure, strict requirements, and continued economic pressures have put unprecedented stress on local governments and agencies that provide essential water services. Elected officials are being called upon to make tough choices that will impact water quality and the viability of our communities for generations to come.

We know there is a better path—a path that leads to public appreciation for the value of water, investment in our essential water infrastructure, and a better quality of life for our states and communities.

WEF’s Water Advocates Program is a simple and effective way for you to become more involved with engaging elected officials and the public on important water issues. The Water Advocates Program provides training and engagement to promote grassroots advocacy before elected officials and the public with the goal of creating a network of trained water advocates in every state. Continue.

Bridging Connections: What's Your PNCWA Story?

With the PNCWA annual conference just around the corner, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on the myriad of reasons why membership and involvement are so important. Membership not only impacts our own professional development, but the connections we make have the potential to create ripples across the region. We asked a few PNCWA members to tell us their story and why PNCWA matters so much to them in their own words. We also hear from the Membership Committee Chair, Brittany Burch, about an exciting initiative PNCWA is taking on to build diversity in our member association. Read their story here.

Have You Found Your Ikigai?


What’s your reason for getting up in the morning?

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WEF 2018 Progress Report


WE are The ReGeneration. What does it mean, and why did we choose it? It started with a mission to land on a unifying theme and call to action for WEFTEC that would clearly define why WEF and WEFTEC exist. The reason we are driven to achieve our shared purpose: to be a community of empowered professionals, who work together to create a healthy global water environment, by recovering, renewing, and reusing our water resources.

The ReGeneration is defined as a modern movement that’s made up of a diverse group of globally connected, innovative, and like-minded individuals of all ages and nationalities who share a common interest in renewable resources, recycling, and other means of sustaining the earth’s natural environment. It’s about harnessing the power of individuals working together for something greater. We didn’t make it up, nor do we know who did, but we can’t think of a better definition of who we are, what we do, and why we do it. What started off as a search for a catchy buzzword to inspire and unify turned into so much more. Among the many accomplishments that we achieved together in 2018, one that we are particularly proud of, ties very closely to the above definition. Last fall, the Board of Trustees approved new strategic goals. Among them is this: “Increase diversity and inclusiveness in the water sector through engagement and membership growth.”  Continue

Gallup CliftonStrengths Workshop 2019

June 13, 2019
,10:00 - 4:30 pm; (mixer to follow, first drink is on us!)
HDR, 600 University Street, Seattle, WA 98101
$75 PNCWA or WEF members; $90 nonmembers; includes lunch and beverages. 
Register online: at www.pncwa.org/CS-Leadership2019-form by 11:59pm on June 6

One key to success is to fully understand how to apply your greatest talents and strengths in your everyday life. A person’s talents – those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that come naturally – are the source of your true potential and power.  Continue

Executive Director Search

The Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) is accepting proposals for an Executive Director (ED). We are looking for an inspirational leader to manage and grow this organization into the future. This position will report directly to the Board of Directors (Board) and is responsible for working with the Board to set strategic direction, represent member interests, promote educational opportunities for members, and perform outreach to current and potential members. Proposals are due to Jim Baird, PNCWA President, at [email protected], no later than the end of the day June 14th, 2019. Read about the position and search.

Mr. Beacham Goes To Washington

Hopefully, you noticed the ode to classic films in the title of this blog post. It was a nod to the classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, in which Jefferson Smith, played by the inimitable James Stewart, heads to the Senate floor to defend that which he holds dear. John Beacham, PNCWA Government Affairs Chair, led an equally inspired contingent of fellow Pacific Northwest water warriors to Washington D.C. for the 2019 National Water Week Fly-In in April. The twelve-person team attended EPA workshops and visited with several members of Congress from Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. PNCWA's influence in Washington has continued to grow since the first contingent traveled to the nation's capital in 2013. Our membership is recognized as leading subject matter experts and our 1,500 members are a resource for numerous Congressional requests for information on clean water issues. Below is a recap of the visit summarized by members of the contingent themselves. We hope you enjoy their story, learn from their journey, and consider joining the Government Affairs Committee. We'd love to have you in D.C. with us in 2020.

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PNCWA YPs Connect at 2019 YP Summit

At PNCWA, our mission supports the professional development of our members. The AWWA/WEF joint YP Summit provides the young professionals in our organization the opportunity to join other YPs from across the country to learn, grow, and build community. Each year the Student and Young Professional committee sponsor two member YPs to attend the YP Summit. Due to an increase in interest this year, the S&YP committee made a call for applications. Erica Haide, a marketing professional from Brown and Caldwell, and Brittany Sorenson, an engineer with BergerABAM, were selected through the application process.

Erica has been involved in the Pacific Northwest water industry since 2015. She applied to attend the YP summit because she knew it would only further her passion for the industry. “I would love to continue my leadership within the industry,” Haide explained. “The more exposure I can get with like-minded people will help me further those goals and turn them into reality.” Brittany was equally passionate but approached applying for a slightly different reason. “I got my PE a year ago and signed up as a WEF member but six months later felt like I hadn’t been a good member or taken advantage of member benefits like I had hoped,” Sorenson said.

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Call for Nominations 2019 PNCWA Awards

Nominations due May 31, 2019

What you need to before you nomination a person or project, here.

Know a person, project, or organization who accomplished something incredible this year? Please read below:

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PNCWA Seeks Leadership Nominations

Be one of the volunteer Board of Directors who lead and govern PNCWA

Nominations remain open through May 3, 2019. 

Nomination are open for:

PNCWA Vice President (nominations are open)
PNCWA Treasurer (nominations are open)
PNCWA WEF Director (nominations are open)
Young Professional Representative* (proposed, see below)

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Large PNCWA Contingent Heads to DC for National Water Policy Fly-In

2019 National Water Policy Fly-InPNCWA is represented well this year in Washington D.C. for the annual fly-in. Through a mix of funding, including PNCWA funding, eleven members are attending. This is by far our biggest year and we’d love to see an even bigger contingent next year.

The group will be presenting the PNCWA positions on TSCA/PCBs, Integrated Planning, and Climate Change Resiliency located hereAdditionally, they will be delivering a joint message from WEF, NACWA, AWWA, APWA, and other entities. They will hear from administrators from the EPA Office of Water on a variety of topics, including their intended focus areas for the upcoming year. Check out the PNCWA public LinkedIn page this week for any updates from our fly-in team. The members attending this year are listed below. Stay tuned for a recap in May!

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PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop at Portland State University

Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) Resume Building Workshop Feb 11

Come join our Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) Students & Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) for a Resume Building Workshop on Monday, February 11 at Hot Lips Pizza-PSU! We will provide an introduction to PNCWA, followed by a Resume-Building 101 presentation, and we will finish with time for students to work with water industry professionals on their individual resumes. With the PSU Career Fair coming up on February 13, this is your chance to network with professionals in the water industry and get some last-minute help with your resume. Oh, and there will also be pizza!

What: PNCWA Info Session & Resume Building Workshop
Where: Hot Lips Pizza on PSU Campus (1909 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR)
When: Monday, February 11 from 4:00pm-6:00pm

By Operators for Operators: A New Training Toolkit to Prep for Exams

A new series of books from the Water Environment Federation gives operators a comprehensive, up-to-date and learner-friendly presentation of wastewater treatment processes.

This article first appeared in the January 2019 issue of TPO magazine, published by COLE Publishing Inc., www.tpomag.com. It is reprinted by permission.

There’s always demand for high-quality wastewater operator training materials. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is answering the call with a new series of three Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals books, envisioned as “training for the operator of the future.”

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Water & Wastewater Leadership Center Applictions Due Jan. 11


The Water & Wastewater Leadership Center arms utility executives with the management and leadership skills they need to excel as they meet the challenges of today - and seize the opportunities of tomorrow. The Leadership Center's curriculum is designed for current and up-and-coming water and wastewater utility CEOs, General Managers, Senior Managers, and Upper-Level Management - from both public and private utilities. All classes are held in state-of-the-art facilities at the Paul J. Rizzo Conference Center’s Executive Education program at the Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. How to apply

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2019 PNCWA Mentoring Program Announcement

Dear PNCWA Members,

We would like to invite you to participate in the 2019 PNCWA Mentoring Program. This program was developed to encourage experienced professionals (mentors) in our area to pass on their knowledge and experience to young professionals (protégés). Here’s how it works:

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