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Stockholm Junior Water Prize - PNCWA Communication and Outreach Committee

Prepared by Catherine Chertudi

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) is the world's most prestigious award presented to a high school student for a water-research project. The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has coordinated the U.S. competition since its inception in 1997, and partners closely with Member Associations (MAs) to execute the program. 

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The Utility Management Committee is Hitting Refresh!

The Utility Management Committee is relaunching and looking for folks who want to share knowledge and network to learn how your peers at other utilities do what we do.  We envision a collaborative space with monthly lunchtime meetings to discuss topics of interest and plan quarterly events or presentations from speakers about topics that interest our committee.   

What does “Utility Management” mean to you?  If you have interests, ideas, curiosities about how best the Utility Management Committee can help spread knowledge or just want to stay up to date on the Committee’s activities please contact Jessica Rinner at [email protected] or Yarrow Murphy at [email protected].

Racial Social Justice Subcommittee Goals

Last month we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a holiday commemorating the legacy of Dr. King, one of the most influential changemakers in modern history. Dr. King’s influence withstands the test of time and continues to motivate change around the world (the Netherlands, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada and Hiroshima, Japan hold events or days dedicated to MLK). As the National Constitution Center states, “Today, the King holiday serves multiple purposes: It honors the total legacy of King; focuses on the issue of civil rights; highlights the use of nonviolence to promote change; and calls people into public service.” These purposes are integral to PNCWA’s dedication to the water industry. In 2020, PNCWA started the Racial and Social Justice (RSJ) Subcommittee to the Member Services Committee (MSC) to promote diversity and racial and social justice amongst membership.    

The subcommittee is pursuing 5 main goals. The goals and progress to date include: 

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Government Affairs Committee Participate in Water Week & Ask Your Representatives to Support the Water Sector!

Every year, water sector professionals from around the United States gather in Washington, DC and virtually to discuss important issues together and with our Federal lawmakers. Water Week 2023 will take place April 24-28. During this week, we come together to focus on national policy that impacts the water sector and how we can work together to make sure all communities have access to safe, reliable, and affordable clean water.  

The National Water Policy Fly-In is an important part of water week, presented by WEF, NACWA, WateReuse Association, AWWA, the Water Research Foundation and many others. During the fly-in, water sector professionals conduct meetings with lawmakers and/or their staff to discuss water policy positions and priorities for the year. Meetings can be held in person or virtually. A half-day summit is hosted in DC featuring speakers from Federal agencies and Congress and capped off with a networking reception.  

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Government Affairs Committee - MEMBER ALERT: PFAS Legislative & Regulatory Activity Continues to be a High Priority in 2023

The 2023 state legislative sessions are in full swing and PFAS is on the agenda in both Oregon and Washington. At the federal level, the EPA continue to progress along the PFAS Action Plan, publishing validated test methods, categorizing PFAS chemicals within existing regulatory programs, and progressing research to better characterize the presence of PFAS in our natural and built environments.  

PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a large, complex group of manufactured chemicals that are ingredients in various everyday products. Multiple health effects associated with PFAS exposure have been identified and are supported by scientific studies. Wastewater treatment facilities are not manufacturers or users of PFAS, rather they are receivers of these chemicals used by industry and everyday consumers. Legislators, regulators, and clean water agencies must work collaboratively to manage PFAS holistically, with science driving the decision-making.  

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Government Affairs Update


  • Research Centers for Stormwater Infrastructure has been funded after WEF and NMSA support. Congress has provided $3M in initial funding for the establishment of three to five Centers of Excellence for Stormwater Infrastructure Technologies (CESITs), a new program authorized in the IIJA of 2021. Read more.  

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PFAS Webinar Review

On January 19, the Sustainability and Biosolids Committee and the Government Affairs Committee hosted a webinar on Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), featuring Ms. Rashi Gupta (Carollo), Dr. Jason Conder (Geosyntec Consultants), and Mr. Frank Dick (City of Vancouver). The webinar addressed multiple topics including updates on the state-of-the-art of PFAS, current management practices, risk assessment, and legislation for PFAS in biosolids. Thank you to all our speakers for providing such important and timely information! If you missed the webinar, you can watch a recording of it here. 

Rashi addressed PFAS fundamentals sources, an update on the PFAS roadmap from the EPA, health advisory levels, current treatment technologies for biosolids, implications of PFAS presence in biosolids management, and recommendations for facilities to adapt to the rapidly changing regulations.  

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WEF Operator Scholarship

Receive up to $5,000 for operator training through WEF! 

WEF provides scholarships to individuals who are seeking water sector operator education, training, or certification to enter the industry or advance their knowledge, skills, abilities or license.  

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Wastewater Certification Test Prep

2019 Membership Survey

The PNCWA Annual Member Survey has been designed to provide feedback to the Board of Directors and Committees on how effective our organization has been at meeting the professional needs of our membership. The information contained in the surveys submitted will be used to determine PNCWA success in meeting it's strategic plan goals, adjust the plan if necessary, and provide feedback to the board and committee chairs to help identify what the organization is doing well as well as proactive suggestions for areas that may need a little more attention or improvement.


It only takes a few minutes:

Wastewater Project Funding Alternatives

Information compiled thanks to John Hendron and Carrie Finan.

There are several state and federal programs that provide financing to eligible entities for planning, designing, and constructing wastewater projects. Whether the goal is to build or repair collection systems or treatment facilities, these important resources can help aid in your project’s success.

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CMMS Survey—Is Your Utility Using CMMS?

If you are responsible for the management of maintenance in your utility, please take this survey

The Utility Management Committee is seeking to understand how Computer Maintenance Managements Systems (CMMS) are utilized by Pacific Northwest utilities. Is your utility using a CMMS system or not? What are the barriers, challenges, and successes? If you are responsible for the management of maintenance in your utility, please take this survey. We want to hear from you!

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Proposed C&Bs Changes 2019

"Dear PNCWA Members,

On Tuesday, September 10th, the PNCWA Board will ask those of you in attendance at the Business Luncheon, which serves as the Association's Annual Meeting, to vote on proposed changes to the PNCWA Constitution. This serves as your 30-day notice, as required by PNCWA's Constitution and Bylaws. The PNCWA Board will also vote on proposed changes to the PNCWA Bylaws, and the Board welcomes your comments on the proposed changes. This also serves as your 30-day notice. Continue

SYP Scholarships to Attend WEFTEC are Available

PNCWA 2019 SYP WEFTEC Scholarship application is online

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following criteria to be considered:
1. Be a Student or Young Professional member of PNCWA at the time of application.
2. Reside and work within WA, OR, or ID.
3. Cannot be a previous recipient of a SYPC WEFTEC Scholarship.
Instructions: Please complete the SurveyMonkey form no later than Aug 9, 2019, at 5:00PM Pacific Time. To ensure an unbiased evaluation process, please do not include any identifying information (your name, the name of your employer, etc.) in your application responses...we will track your application by your WEF member number! Scholarship application is at

WEF Water Advocates Needs Your Voice

WE are the experts.

Let’s speak with a loud, united voice. Speak up. Share your knowledge. It is more important now than ever. Inform government decision-makers and the public about the importance of water.

Aging infrastructure, strict requirements, and continued economic pressures have put unprecedented stress on local governments and agencies that provide essential water services. Elected officials are being called upon to make tough choices that will impact water quality and the viability of our communities for generations to come.

We know there is a better path—a path that leads to public appreciation for the value of water, investment in our essential water infrastructure, and a better quality of life for our states and communities.

WEF’s Water Advocates Program is a simple and effective way for you to become more involved with engaging elected officials and the public on important water issues. The Water Advocates Program provides training and engagement to promote grassroots advocacy before elected officials and the public with the goal of creating a network of trained water advocates in every state. Continue.

WEF 2018 Progress Report


WE are The ReGeneration. What does it mean, and why did we choose it? It started with a mission to land on a unifying theme and call to action for WEFTEC that would clearly define why WEF and WEFTEC exist. The reason we are driven to achieve our shared purpose: to be a community of empowered professionals, who work together to create a healthy global water environment, by recovering, renewing, and reusing our water resources.

The ReGeneration is defined as a modern movement that’s made up of a diverse group of globally connected, innovative, and like-minded individuals of all ages and nationalities who share a common interest in renewable resources, recycling, and other means of sustaining the earth’s natural environment. It’s about harnessing the power of individuals working together for something greater. We didn’t make it up, nor do we know who did, but we can’t think of a better definition of who we are, what we do, and why we do it. What started off as a search for a catchy buzzword to inspire and unify turned into so much more. Among the many accomplishments that we achieved together in 2018, one that we are particularly proud of, ties very closely to the above definition. Last fall, the Board of Trustees approved new strategic goals. Among them is this: “Increase diversity and inclusiveness in the water sector through engagement and membership growth.”  Continue

Gallup CliftonStrengths Workshop 2019

June 13, 2019
,10:00 - 4:30 pm; (mixer to follow, first drink is on us!)
HDR, 600 University Street, Seattle, WA 98101
$75 PNCWA or WEF members; $90 nonmembers; includes lunch and beverages. 
Register online: at by 11:59pm on June 6

One key to success is to fully understand how to apply your greatest talents and strengths in your everyday life. A person’s talents – those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that come naturally – are the source of your true potential and power.  Continue

Executive Director Search

The Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association (PNCWA) is accepting proposals for an Executive Director (ED). We are looking for an inspirational leader to manage and grow this organization into the future. This position will report directly to the Board of Directors (Board) and is responsible for working with the Board to set strategic direction, represent member interests, promote educational opportunities for members, and perform outreach to current and potential members. Proposals are due to Jim Baird, PNCWA President, at [email protected], no later than the end of the day June 14th, 2019. Read about the position and search.

Call for Nominations 2019 PNCWA Awards

Nominations due May 31, 2019

What you need to before you nomination a person or project, here.

Know a person, project, or organization who accomplished something incredible this year? Please read below:

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PNCWA Seeks Leadership Nominations

Be one of the volunteer Board of Directors who lead and govern PNCWA

Nominations remain open through May 3, 2019. 

Nomination are open for:

PNCWA Vice President (nominations are open)
PNCWA Treasurer (nominations are open)
PNCWA WEF Director (nominations are open)
Young Professional Representative* (proposed, see below)

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